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Your Government


  • Palm Beach County has a population of approximately 1 million, 350 thousand people.

  • If our county were a state and was rated by population we would fall between Idaho (population 1,499,402) and Maine (population 1,317,207), in other words we would be the 41st largest state in America.

  •  It is really staggering when one thinks that, our county (Palm Beach) is ruled by only seven people and they control, what could be - by population, - the 41st largest state of the United States of America. Here is the Source validating the statistic.

That being said you can imagine the number of local government workers we support.

So if you are searching for a government agency to get some information we are offering some the key agencies by providing you the following links, phone numbers, and email addresses to the multiple-various and sundry agencies that we pay to do our business for us.

Palm Beach County has a very thorough website. A link we found most helpful is the PBC site map which lists each and every agency and contact in the county.  Everything is alphabetized and once you look at it you will see if you want information on water you simply hit the letter W on the top of the screen and it will take you to an alphabetized list of all agencies beginning with the letter W.  Want to give it a whirl here? Click Here.

Don't forget this is a community website and we solicit and welcome all sugguestions, Drop us a note and let us know what you want on here. It's easy email us at  click here 

Stay Well

© 2025 by Cypress Trails Property Owners Association


Website designed and maintained by Tucker Minton

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