About Cypress Trails

Our Vision Statement
Providing a sense of community and enriched quality of life for its members, encouraging members to be good stewards in meeting their responsibilities to each other, to the greater community that surrounds us and to the preservation of the natural qualities that enrich Cypress Trails, offering every opportunity for its members to enjoy personal growth while respecting their heritage as a community and as individuals, ensuring that wellness, both in the maintenance of our good health and in the fun and joy experienced in life at Cypress Trails, is protected and nourished, contributing positively to members investment in Cypress Trails, particularly in preserving property values, and above all guaranteeing that the pursuit of excellence in all the Association does is its guiding principle.
Basic Information
Established in the early 1980’s Cypress Trails was founded on a 107-acre plot of land 1 ½ miles west of the Florida Turnpike and ½ miles east of Highway 441 and SR 7. With plenty of growth over the last decade. This area is now the hot spot for food, medical and business of all types. Here is a link to the Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce.
This pristine community, today is home to 106 families who enjoy spacious acreage not only in the common areas but the minimum lot size is ½ acre per home.
Cypress Trails is a Planned Unit Development Community (P.U.D.) as such all of our homes, and common areas are members of the association. At the onset and perpetually Cypress Trails has a set of bylaws to which we all must adhere.
For a complete copy of the By-Laws, go to the documents page. Many of us have or were given a copy of this publication, which clearly describes the rules and regulations of our Home Owners Association and is a must-read for each of us. You should have received a copy of the publication when you closed on your home. Should you have questions, please feel free to email us at management@cypresstrailsfl.com